RLSS Lifeguard Courses & ASI Surf Instructor Courses

RLSS Beach Lifeguard Courses, Portrush, Northern Ireland.
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RLSS Lifeguard Courses
At SUB6 we are qualified and able to deliver RLSS Beach Lifeguard Courses & Qualifications & RLSS Open Water Lifeguard courses in Portrush, Northern Ireland. Our NVBLQ or Lifeguard Courses UK are aimed at providing employment opportunities. My experience as a Senior RNLI Lifeguard and my Surfing background has enabled SUB6 to deliver focused and specific training in rescue board and tube skills.
The National Vocational Beach Lifeguard Qualification (NVBLQ)
The Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK) has teamed up with Surf Life Saving Association (SLSA) Wales and Surf Life Saving (SLS) GB to develop a new national standard for beach lifeguarding. The National Vocational Beach Lifeguard Courses & Qualification (NVBLQ) was launched in April 2019 along with new resources. NVBLQ complies with the International Life Saving Federation Beach Competency Framework. It will be offered by all three organisations and is endorsed by the National Water Safety Forum and the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI). The NVBLQ will be recognised and promoted by RLSS UK, SLS GB, SLSA Wales as the national standard for vocational beach lifeguard courses. The NVBLQ course is a minimum of 40 hours long followed by a practical assessment on beach theory, life support, first aid, swimming pool practical and open water practical. Upon qualifying with the NVBLQ, the certificate is valid for two years from the date of successful completion.
This qualification is what you need to apply for the RNLI Lifeguard service.
- The NVBLQ is internationally recognised, so potential to work and travel
- Work within a team
- Great way for students to fund studies
- Learn essential life skills, including First Aid and CPR
NVBLQ Course Pre-Requisites
Every candidate attending a NVBLQ course must:
Be able to swim 400 metres in a pool (recommended 25 metres, but no less than 20 metres) in eight minutes or less using a continuous front stroke and showing urgency.
- Be 16-years-old
- Have a good level of fitness
- Surface dive to a depth of 1.5 metres
- Tread water for two minutes
- Climb out of deep water unaided and without steps
- Be competent at swimming in the sea
- Before the course, candidates must be able to swim at least 200 metres in a pool (of recommended length 25 metres, but no less than 20 metres) in five minutes or less
For the assessment, candidates must be able to swim 400 metres in a pool (recommended 25 metres, but no less than 20 metres) in eight minutes or less using a continuous front stroke and showing urgency in beach lifeguard courses UK .
SUB6 recommends that candidates can swim 400 metres timed swim in the pool in under 7 minutes 30 seconds and 200 metre time is under 3 minutes 30 seconds. (This is the RNLI Standard but not essential to pass this course). At SUB6 we would also recommend that you would have surfed or used a rescue board at least 5 times.
Open Water Lifeguard (OWL) Qualification
The Open Water Lifeguard courses UK (OWL) Qualification was developed by the Royal Life Saving Society UK to address the role of open water lifeguards and the needs of open water operators. As the open water industry continues to grow, the RLSS UK have endeavoured to respond to change through the ongoing development of this qualification. The OWL qualification can be used to supervise and provide rescue cover for planned, organised and risk assessed activities in still, non-tidal water.
RLSS UK has also developed an Open Water Lifeguard ‘bolt-on’ Module, targeting qualified swimming pool lifeguards. The ‘bolt-on’ module equips lifeguards with both the knowledge and experience to supervise and provide rescue cover for planned, organised and risk assessed activities in still, non-tidal water. The Open Water Lifeguard qualification enables candidates with no previous lifeguard experience to become qualified. By attaining this qualification candidates will have been assessed as competent to provide supervision and rescue cover for planned, organised and risk-assessed activities in open water still, non-tidal.
The Open Water Lifeguard Qualification, delivered over three days, is valid for two years and is independently assessed. The candidate manual and trainer resources help the Open Water Lifeguard Trainer Assessor deliver through the three sections:
Section 1 - The Open Water Lifeguard, environment, hazards and supervision.
Section 2 - Responding to an emergency and taking action.
Section 3 - CPR and First Aid.
New candidates: 18hrs + Assessment
Renewal candidates: 10hrs + Assessment
- Must be 16 years of age at the date of assessment
- Be able to meet the following criteria:
- Confident in open water
- Able to swim at least 400 metres in a pool/open water swimming continuously on their front and showing urgency
- Able to submerge under the water confidently
- Must complete minimum guided learning hours
- Successfully complete the course assessment
Rookie Lifeguard
SUB6 will deliver a kids educational lifeguard course in 2020 during Easter, summer and September. SUB6 will offer a unique scheme which will aim to combine the RLSS Rookie Lifeguard Programme with SUB6s beach element to instill confidence and improve sea safety. It incorporates visual, auditory, reading and kinaesthetic learning techniques through board rescue and tube training. SUB6 is an advocate for children’s well being and this course aims to increase their confidence and improve self-esteem whilst having lots of fun with our instructors.
RLSS UK’s Rookie Lifeguard programme gives your child the skills they need to be confident in the pool or the sea – which means peace of mind for you. With colourful materials and fun, varied activities, the Rookie Lifeguard scheme teaches children how to swim and enjoy water safely, whether in shallow or deeper water. Built into the programme are lessons in valuable survival, rescue and sports skills…all delivered in an exciting way that will get children involved and motivated. The course can run parallel to your child’s current swimming lessons and will enhance the skills they learn in the pool.
For many of our Rookie Beach Lifeguards courses UK, our programme offers the first opportunity to explore water safety, gradually gaining independence and confidence while learning vital life skills. Our programme will inspire your child, helping them keep themselves, their friends and their family safe in the water through a range of fun activities that lead towards a series of awards. Rookie Lifeguard is aimed at children – though the skills learned through the course of the programme are just as valuable to people of all ages. The scheme begins with Stage 1 of the Bronze Award and progresses to Stage 3 of the Gold Award, starting off at an ability level suitable for brand-new swimmers and progressing to the level where our Rookie Lifeguards perform impressive lifesaving tows.
ASI Surf Instructor Courses, Portrush, Northern Ireland.
ASI Surfing Instructor courses are regarded as the best worldwide, with comprehensive information covering surfing skills, instructional techniques, operations and safety. Complete your training with ASI, with courses to suit your skill, ability and passion. We are currently offering Level 1 and Level 2 Instructor Courses.
Level 1 Surfing Instructor
This is the entry level qualification to work as a surfing Instructor and instruct beginner surfing sessions. You will need to have surfing skills and knowledge equivalent to ASI Level 6 intermediate surfing level.
Delivery options: Workshop / Flexible Learning / Apprenticeship / Transfer / Update.
Level 6 Intermediate Surfer Overview Able to select appropriate, makeable wave and ride it effectively, demonstrating control and performing and linking intermediate level manoeuvres (bottom turn, top turn, cutback on forehand and backhand). The surfers style, flow, power and speed is not yet fully developed.
More information on Level 6 Intermediate Surfer can be found on the ASI Official Website.
Level 2 Surfing Instructor
Teach improver to intermediate surfing skills. Take your beginner students to the next level to catch and ride 3 ft waves and start performing intermediate level surfing manoeuvres. You will need to have surfing skill and knowledge equivalent to ASI Level 7 Advanced surfing level.
More information on Level 7 Advanced Surfer can be found on the ASI Official Website.